VAT and Online Selling

Please note that on 15 March 2018 a new VAT law came into effect which is designed to ensure that people who sell through online marketplaces pay the right amount of VAT on the goods they sell in the UK.

If you have an e-commerce site which sells your own goods but also allows other people to sell their products, you need to ensure that those third parties are registered for VAT (if they need to be).

Overseas businesses

Must be registered for VAT in the UK if they sell VATable goods to UK based customers which are either:

• Stored in the UK, or
• Will be imported into the UK by the seller.

This is regardless of whether the overseas sellee has a UK establishment or how many items they sell.

If you knew, or should have known, that an overseas seller should have registered for VAT in the UK, the marketplace can be made liable for any unpaid VAT due on sales made through the site. The marketplace must stop these people from offering goods through the site, and will continue to be liable for the VAT due until they meet their UK VAT obligations.

UK based businesses

Must be registered for VAT in the UK if their VATable turnover exceeds £85,000 in any 12 month period.

Again If you knew, or should have known, that a seller should have registered for VAT in the UK, the marketplace can be made liable for any unpaid VAT due on sales made through the site. The marketplace must stop these people from offering goods through the site, and will continue to be liable for the VAT due until they meet their VAT obligations.